Wednesday, 14 August 2013

The Lost Purpose

In a world where many of us have lost the very essence of our lives, it’s hard to discern ourselves from primates or even animals for that matter who nevertheless pose no harm but are useless to the society.

As time began to blur since the outset of unfruitful days in the journal of my sojourn here, I doubted my ability to recall things .Even recalling what I had in breakfast a day before was difficult. And then after stretching this exercise to a span of the past few years made it evident that I had few things wanting to be reorganized on my priority list. It shocked me how could I not remember the prime years of a person's life, the same time on the foundation of which I hoped to build the superstructure of the next stage of life. But as it turned out it was not my cognitive ability jeopardized rather the monotonous passage of time that hit a part of my functioning ability to recall things.

 Time seemed collapsing and pacing at a very fast rate as if compressed by a very large factor .Giving that unit (TIME) due significance seemed like overemphasizing it. Spent those years sitting in a cubicle in front of a screen taking on requests from client filling up various excel sheets , each day blended unmemorably into next and vanished. More or less it was the same weekly routine and presumably the routine for years to come. Better were the college days when every new experience, every day counted. Apprehension for those days is vivid, strong is retention when each activity implied something to be learnt from. But now the days and the weeks smoothened out in contentless units and the years were hollow as this new experience in the first few months on the job mutated to an automatic routine. Human life is much valuable than being stagnant, living to clients expectation of meeting deadlines with no prominence for independent thoughts and no satisfaction.

 As a pioneer philosopher J.S.Mills puts it- ”Its better to be a human dissatisfied than a pig satisfied.”

   These thoughts made me contemplate over the same rudimentary questions that govern our existence.After figuring out the answers for myself, I concluded that having continuously lived for my susteanance , I just made a livelihood for myself merely for the sake of surviving without any significance, contribution and would have ostensibly made no difference to this planet if my existence was done away with. As the journey moves ahead, circumstances dispelled me from the job ,made me independent and evolved me into a better human ,making capable of taking every stride forward with an earnestness of purpose for the existence.

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